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Airbus Soars with Hydrogen: The Blue Condor Project Takes Flight
Toulouse, Wednesday, 4 December 2024.
Airbus is testing hydrogen’s impact on contrails using a hydrogen-powered glider. This research could revolutionise cleaner aviation technology, reducing environmental footprints and changing the skies forever.
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Pink Power: Nel's Nuclear Hydrogen Breakthrough with Samsung
Oslo, Tuesday, 3 December 2024.
In a groundbreaking EUR 5 million deal announced today, Nel ASA and Samsung C&T are pioneering Korea’s first nuclear-powered hydrogen plant. This 10 MW project marks a significant shift in clean energy production, transforming excess nuclear power into sustainable hydrogen. As the second collaboration between these industry giants in 2024, this partnership showcases how traditional nuclear power is evolving to meet tomorrow’s energy needs.
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Hydrogen vs Traditional District Heating: The Efficiency Showdown That Will Shape Our Cities
Global, Tuesday, 3 December 2024.
I’ve been diving into the latest district heating data, and here’s what’s fascinating: while hydrogen heating systems promise a green future, they’re currently 440% less efficient than traditional renewable district heating. Yet, Scotland’s bold 8.4km hydrogen network trial could change everything. The battle between innovation and efficiency is unfolding right now, with billions in infrastructure at stake and our climate hanging in the balance.