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Germany's €20 Billion Hydrogen Highway: Fueling the Future

Germany's €20 Billion Hydrogen Highway: Fueling the Future

Berlin, Friday, 26 July 2024.
German gas operators have proposed a 9,666 km hydrogen network, set to revolutionise the country’s energy landscape by 2032. This €19.7 billion project aims to connect key industrial hubs, storage sites, and cross-border points, marking a pivotal step towards a sustainable, hydrogen-powered future.

India's Green Hydrogen Revolution: Splitwaters and Oriana Power Join Forces

India's Green Hydrogen Revolution: Splitwaters and Oriana Power Join Forces

Houston, Friday, 26 July 2024.
US-based Splitwaters and India’s Oriana Power team up to slash green hydrogen project costs by 30%. This partnership promises to accelerate India’s clean energy transition, making sustainable fuels more accessible and affordable. A game-changing alliance in the fight against climate change.

Germany's Hydrogen Revolution: Powering the Future with Imported Green Energy

Germany's Hydrogen Revolution: Powering the Future with Imported Green Energy

Berlin, Friday, 26 July 2024.
Germany’s bold move towards a hydrogen-powered future is taking shape. The government’s new import strategy aims to secure sustainable energy supplies, targeting up to 70% of hydrogen needs through imports by 2030. This ambitious plan could redefine global energy partnerships and accelerate the transition to a greener economy.

Hydrogen's Quantum Leap: Europe's Bold Vision for a Clean Energy Future

Hydrogen's Quantum Leap: Europe's Bold Vision for a Clean Energy Future

London, Thursday, 25 July 2024.
Europe’s hydrogen economy is set for a seismic shift. With ambitious goals to produce and import 10 million tonnes by 2030, the continent is racing to transition from grey to green hydrogen. Industry leaders are gathering in London to tackle challenges and seize opportunities in this rapidly evolving sector.

Germany's Green Gamble: Betting Big on Hydrogen Imports

Germany's Green Gamble: Betting Big on Hydrogen Imports

Berlin, Wednesday, 24 July 2024.
Germany plans to import up to 70% of its hydrogen by 2030, aiming for climate neutrality. This bold move highlights the country’s commitment to green energy, but raises questions about supply chain reliability and infrastructure readiness.

EU's Hydrogen Dreams: A Reality Check from the Auditors

EU's Hydrogen Dreams: A Reality Check from the Auditors

Brussels, Wednesday, 24 July 2024.
The European Court of Auditors slams the EU’s ‘politically driven’ hydrogen targets as unrealistic. Despite billions invested, production goals are off track. This reality check highlights the gap between ambition and feasibility in Europe’s green energy transition.

Blue Hydrogen Breakthrough: Reset Energy's ADIPEC 2024 Showstopper

Blue Hydrogen Breakthrough: Reset Energy's ADIPEC 2024 Showstopper

Midland, Wednesday, 24 July 2024.
Reset Energy is set to dazzle at ADIPEC 2024 with a game-changing blue hydrogen tech. Their novel approach marries waste heat and carbon capture, slashing costs and boosting efficiency. It’s not just hot air - this could redefine energy transition!

Hydrogen Revolution: How Uncle Sam's New Strategy is Shaking Up the Gas Game

Hydrogen Revolution: How Uncle Sam's New Strategy is Shaking Up the Gas Game

United States, Wednesday, 24 July 2024.
The U.S. has unveiled a game-changing clean hydrogen strategy, aiming to slash emissions and create jobs. With ambitious production targets and a focus on high-impact sectors, this plan could rewrite the energy playbook. Gas companies, brace yourselves – the hydrogen wave is coming, and it’s bringing a tidal shift in the industry.

Südbaden's Hydrogen Revolution: Two Pipelines Set to Turbocharge Green Economy

Südbaden's Hydrogen Revolution: Two Pipelines Set to Turbocharge Green Economy

Südbaden, Tuesday, 23 July 2024.
Exciting news for Südbaden! Two hydrogen pipelines are in the works, promising to fast-track the region’s transition to a climate-friendly economy. This unexpected boost could kick-start the hydrogen economy a decade earlier than planned, revolutionising local industry and energy systems.

Dutch Hydrogen Dreams: Big Plans, Slow Progress

Dutch Hydrogen Dreams: Big Plans, Slow Progress

London, Tuesday, 23 July 2024.
The Dutch hydrogen market is growing, but projects are stuck in neutral. Despite ambitious targets for 2040, no major investments have been made. This highlights the gap between hydrogen hype and reality in the energy transition.