Green Light for Clean Energy: EU Tightens Reins on Hydrogen Auctions

Green Light for Clean Energy: EU Tightens Reins on Hydrogen Auctions

2024-10-17 investment

Brussels, Thursday, 17 October 2024.
The European Hydrogen Bank’s new auction rules spark a revolution in green tech. With stricter financial checks and a push for EU-made parts, it’s not just about hydrogen – it’s about reshaping Europe’s energy future. Buckle up, it’s going to be an electrifying ride!

Alright, let’s dive into this. The European Hydrogen Bank (EHB) is not just sticking a toe in the water; it’s taking a full plunge into the green energy revolution. They’re gearing up for their second green hydrogen auction in December 2024, and this time, they’re playing hardball. Gone are the days of lax rules and easy graces. This time, they’re tightening the financial noose - in a good way. Think of it like this: less leeway means more serious contenders. It’s like upgrading from a paddle boat to a speedboat.

The Financial Gauntlet

So, what’s different? For starters, the deadlines for financial closure got a major makeover. Projects now need to hit the financial finish line within 2½ years of signing on the dotted line, and they have to be up and running in five years. Oh, and did I mention the completion guarantee payment? Yep, it doubled from 4% to 8% of the grant amount[1]. That’s a spicy meatball! This move is designed to weed out the dreamers from the doers, ensuring only the most committed players stay in the game.

A European Affair

Now, let’s chat about the elephant in the room - or should I say, the dragon? The EHB is putting a cap on the use of Chinese products, especially electrolyzers. Only 25% of these can come from China. It’s a clear signal: Europe wants to bolster its own manufacturing capabilities. According to Håkon Volldal, CEO of Nel, this is a game-changer for European electrolyzer manufacturers[2]. It’s about keeping the green in ‘green hydrogen’ as locally sourced as possible.

The Price of Progress

And finally, the money talk. The ceiling price for hydrogen has been trimmed from €4.50 to €4 per kilogram[1]. That’s a bold move, considering the first auction cleared at €0.48 per kilogram. With a budget of €1.2 billion for this round, including €200 million earmarked for maritime projects, the stakes are higher than ever. Everyone’s eyes are on the prize, and the EHB is making sure it’s worth the chase.


So there you have it. The European Hydrogen Bank is setting the stage for a cleaner, greener future with a hefty dose of accountability. It’s not just about producing hydrogen; it’s about doing it right. As Europe tightens its grip on the hydrogen reins, the rest of the world watches and learns. It’s a thrilling time to be part of the energy revolution. So, if you’re in the game, you’d better bring your A-game. And if you’re just watching, grab some popcorn, because this is going to be one electrifying show.


green hydrogen european hydrogen bank